How to buy or make an offer

You can simply click ADD TO BASKET to purchase anything you wish, in some cases there may not be a price tag on the item. You may be requested to make a offer as these records are high value and very rare.

Once you have selected your items you can either View the purchased items or just click to checkout, payment by any credit card/Debit card via PAYPAL. This way of paying is highly secured, you do not need to give your card details over the phone to any body.

You can also pay by Direct bank transfer or Cheque. Cash in secured sealed envelope Recorded delivery may be acceptable in some cases where you have no alternative way of paying.

Any problems please email me at:

Alis veris kurallari

Arzuladiginiz malzemeyi ADD TO BASKET tiklayarak alabiliyorsunuz, sectikleriniz bittikten sonra CHECOUT tiklayarak odeme yapabilirsiniz. Odemeler Kredi karti ile PAYPAL kullanarak yapilabilir.

Diger odeme sekilleri:

Direk Turk banka hesabima (VAKIFBANK) havale yapabilirsiniz, tabiiki burada guvence meselesi soz konusu, tanimadiginiz kisiye direk para yatirma biraz emniyezsiz olabilir, eger face book yada ebayden tanidiklariniz var ise referans verebilirim.

Herhangi bir sorunda emailim ile bana ulasabilirsiniz.

Shopping basket

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